
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Paleo -my thoughts

I have been reading some writeups on paleo diet/living past few months. Mostly it revolves around low carb diet, natural food/vegetables and fruits and physical work. I can't comment on any of the articles but here what I feel how people might have lived in those times.

Humans evolved in Africa. Chimps and us branched out from a common ancestor which was predominantly tree living. Our branch evolved as bipedal organisms that left our hand dangling from our shoulders which allowed their use for doing other things than locomotion. Further we chose a omnivorous lifestyle distinct from vegetarian Australopethecians (our sister species).

The landscape was grassland with small patches of trees. We climbed trees to escape predators and dug tubers, ate fruits and hunted animals in grassland. The animals in grassland were fast at short distances but at marathon distances we were fastest. We were able to run down an animal just by chasing it long enough. This strategy was very successful and gave us continuous/sure source of proteins thus enabling the development of complex brain in short amount of geological time.

Later we developed tools and still continued hunting, the amount of effort reduced to a great extent with help of hunting tools. Majority of our evolutionary time went past without tools and without fish being a food source which is relatively easier to catch with simple tools. There are some key aspects to this kind of living with respect to eating habits that we have evolved with.

First, we hunted in fasting conditions, i.e, after a substancial time had passed after the last meal.
Second, we did not eat immediately after the hunt which was physically demanding task.
Third, we ate locally available tubers, seeds etc.

Hunting during fasting conditions meant we were relying on fat metabolism for energy and  persistence hunting requires running/ walking/tracking-animals in aerobic zone only in which energy supply by fat burning can be sustainable. After the hunt, the animal was cooked and then eaten which took time. Point is, we did not eat before and after  physical work (you may call it workout).

Humans ate only locally available stuff as compared to modern people following paleo-diet.

I do not want to conclude anything from this buteach one of you might ponder on how our ancestors' eating and workout pattern was and how our eating and workout pattern is.

Also keep in the back of your mind that we are predisposed towards storage of extra carbs in the form of fat for later use during fasting. 

P.S.: I request people expert in Homo sapiens evolution  to add more light on this.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Dependance on oil and electricity.

I consume a lot of electricity. Light in my room are on whenever I am in after sundown. I have to work on a computer which consumes more energy than average ones. All my experiments need instruments with high wattage.

Except for the lights in my room, everything is necessary for my job. Use of CFLs decrease  the electricity consumption a bit. Yet, I could do more.

To, reduce dependency on oil, I took walking as commuting means. Of course, I take auto sometimes when I am tired. I know it impossible to live without power in the society I leave but I am trying to minimize the consumption and limit it to what's is essential for me. Well, cars/ motorbikes might be essential for some. For me until now, they are dispensable.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

Sanjay van running

Random pics while running in Sanjay van.

People come here for rock climbing.

My shoes

Butterflies have started to come out of their cocoons. Soon the woodland would be filled by these.

Some dragonflies at the lake.

A child neelgaay. It was curious.

Finally a selfie

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Cleaning my room

Another step towards decluttering. It was surprising how many useless things me and my roommate had kept cupboards. Now that he has gone, I was free to decide what to do with it. Well, I kept it in the corridor. Uncle who cleans the building took it away in few minutes. I am now left with one less bed a huge sack of electric wires and damaged connectors and a clean cupboard.

I have ordered a new fridge. Yes, I really need it. Without fridge I was not able to buy milk and milk products (mainly "shrikhand" which is not available in small quantities in Delhi); leftover food had to be thrown away. I am also trying to get rid of the cockroaches in my room which was handed to us by people who lived before we came over. Cockroaches have become a lot less in number but eradicating them would take a few more turns of thorough cleaning. Fridge has taken away almost all of my saving for this month and I have to start afresh.

What remains ahead?

  • I am still left with one bed. Bed consists of only the mattress. I want to give this away and get a pair of  "satranji". Its perfect for summer. Its just thick cloth and  can be folded and kept away easily. It will not be useful in winter though. I can buy a good mattress afterwards or may be a sleeping bag which I can take anywhere I go.
  • The loft needs to be cleaned. I have to take someone's help for that.
  • Maintaining the cleanliness. Everyday fresh dust comes. A few minutes everyday will do the job.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Yogasan / Yoga - Basic principle

Yogasan is about doing the asans by moving gently with appropriate breathing patter, without stress. Many western trainers tell to do warmup before doing yogasan but the main principle of yogasan is  increase the heart beat. "Shawasan" is actually to be done before and after one does other yogasans so as to relax the body.
I know it may sound dangerous to stretch before warming up but yogasan achieves this by doing a single asan more than one. You don't have to stretch all the way at first time. Your body will become flexible with days/weeks of practice. Remember these things while doing yogasan:
  1. Do NOT cause your heart beat to increase while doing yoga, else, do "shavasan".
  2. Breathing pattern during each asan is specific. Try learning it from some non-westernized teacher.
  3. Repeat each asan twice or thrice. Stretch only until it is confortable. You will be finally able to increase your range of motions.
  4. Yogasan is not only about flexibility, there's more to it depending upon different asans.

Monday, January 20, 2014


Two thorns got stuck in my soles yesterday. I sat after dinner with a needle probing my heel to find them. It was fun back then when we were kids. We would try taking out thorns from each others' feet and admiring how big a thorn was from someone's feet. We took pride in inserting the needle at 3-4 points in the soles as if the soles were a cloth. :D Then we used to sit for sometime with a godly smile on our faces.

With growing age, playing ceased (in my case)  or was shifted to playgrounds (my brother's case). No more thorns. A small woodland in Delhi brought back the experience but there was is no one now to probe the soles, to press the needle hard into the feet deliberately so that we could have some laugh after a brief moment of pain. We all got sophisticated.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Ultrarunning and Age.

Two papers published recently tell that ultrarunners are in general more healthy and biologically younger than their actual age. Well, you would be better off if you just ignore all this and try achieving your own goals of running. My aim to be able to run most of the day at a time but all I can say is it can only make me more fit and not healthy or younger. I read the paper which talks about the younger thing. I would throw that in dustbin if I had a printed version.